In Memoriam Alfred Kweti Killen

Alfred, you are lost but not forgotten. You will always be part of our history and a part of who we are and what we become!
Alfred Killen was a coach, staff trainer and trusted friend to many players and families that passed through our club over the years. Alfred passed away after a lengthy illness on October 21, 2017.
He was always a happy, friendly and joyful person that loved working with the kids and they all looked forward to his training sessions and his great sense of humor. He was also a fantastic coach that worked hard to improve the skill and ability of the players in his charge.
Quotes from those that knew him...
"A wonderful man indeed! He had a way of making every individual feel special. You will be truly missed."
"What a wonderful man. Sweet and loving to my son and many others from our team. So sad to hear that Gulf Coast lost a great person and trainer, sending prayers to his family."
"Both my kids loved Alfred! He will be missed"
"Because of your teaching, Kelsie is the awesome player she is today. Prayers for your family my friend"
"He was such a wonderful person and all the kids loved him!"
"He was a wonderful presence on the fields and always happy to see the kids and families. He was always even interested in my kids who WEREN'T playing soccer and he made them feel like they belonged there. He will be missed very much"
"He is such a genuine guy. He never failed to ask about how my daughter is doing..... A genuine man who loved all the kids he trained. What a loss! He will be missed."
"He was such a friendly funny gentleman! My son loved playing around with him!!! He will be missed"
"A well-lived life and left such an impact on all he encountered. Prayers for his family and all"
"Coach Alfred had the most infectious smile and laugh. I’ll never forget the time i spent under his coaching!"
"Alfred was a good soccer trainer and a great guy! Patient and kind with the kids and a pleasure to coach with. I will miss him."
"Such a great man... always kind and caring"
"Alfred was always a gentleman and took time with the parents as well as the kids, he will leave a big void in our soccer community"
"He was such a caring man that knew the game was a game. Always asked how my family was doing years after we stopped training with him."
"Such sad news. We loved him and his contagious fun personality!!!"